Sunday, September 6, 2009

It's not me-It's You. Lyle, Oklahoma.

Last night I drove to a small college town called Stillwater. Why, you ask? Well, there was a guy there who we will call Ronaldo*--who I had been on a couple of dates with over the past month or so.  It was one of those situations where you don't necessarily feel strong chemistry for that person, but there wasn't necessarily a strong reason for you not to like them either. So, when he kept asking me on dates, I kept agreeing. I do love a free sushi. Not gonna lie. 

I never had intimate contact with him-- SIDENOTE FOR GUYS: If a girl isn't kissing you at the end of your 3rd date THERES PROBABLY A REASON --in fact, when he would try to lean in for a kiss I had actually pulled away on a couple of occasions - but that didn't really seem to hinder his pursuit. lol.

Anyways, So I drove an hour to the little town of Stillwater to go to a bar with him. (Stillwater is a college town and they had their first football game that night--soo it had lots of potential to be a fun night.) I get to Stillwater, and I am hanging out with him and his friends...and I just realize...and I quote my thoughts...

"I am in no way attracted to your looks or your personality. Whatsoever. I pull away every time lean in to make contact with me and your jokes and tone of voice kind of make me want to squeeze lemon juice into my eyeballs. Annnd although you are going to Med School and will probably make gobs of moolah-- that just isn't enough reason for me to keep you around." 

Sooo, after driving an hour to this poe-dunk town and spending 20 minutes with him and his friends listening to his jokes and watching his attempt to not seem desperate by using really corny one liners with me(in that arrogant tone I hate,mind you)-- I realized I wanted to make a quick exit. I wasn't going to waste a perfectly good night with this dude.

 “Hold up a second. My phone’s vibrating”. We were dancing; I had diligently kept him at arms length. I began rummaging through my purse and pulled out my cell. “Gimme a second.” I walked far enough away so he could see my lips moving, but not realize there wasn’t any sound coming out of my mouth. I made my “worried” face and hung up. “I am so sorry, Ronaldo. I have to go. My friend is stranded at some bar in the city. Fight with the boyfriend. He’s such a dick, he left her there.”
    “Tell her to get a friend to bring her here to Stillwater. I'm sure I have a cute guy friend to make her feel better.”
    “Normally I would, but she’s like, crying hysterically on the phone. I should really go get her.” 
    “I understand.” He looked heartbroken. Better he get over the heartbreak now. I bid my final farewell to his friends, grabbed my purse, and ran out of their a.s.a.p.

I jumped up in my car and ended up driving for an hour and getting lost in some little town called "Lyle" Oklahoma. All I remember thinking as I'm filling up my car with gas is,"I'd rather be stuck in Lyle, Oklahoma than with socially awkward Ronaldo and his friends. haha. I eventually get turned around and make it to Tulsa where I meet up with some friends and end having a surprisingly awesome night at a bar called Pink.

So, this morning I wake up and low and behold... I have 2 text messages and 2 missed calls from Ronaldo. Here’s a little lesson: Sometimes the best way to reach someone is to leave him or her alone. Doesn’t matter how good-looking or charming you are. If you call me too much, you won’t be calling me at all. It just seems desperate. 

I think the proper action would be to call and let him know we would be better off as friends. But that would be a lie-- I've got plenty of friends. I just don't want to see you anymore. So, in lieu of the "right thing to do" I will probably just  ignore his barrage of calls and texts and remove him from my facebook. Done! 

Dukes Up. 

*Of course, I changed his name to save face for his lame ass.

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