Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ohhh no she didn't!

I've met someone new. His name is Trevor and he is my current obsession. We have been seeing each other a quick minute now... about three months. First of all-- before I get started on a funny story about the two of us-- I need to tell you a few things about Trevor:

1stly: He is not my normal "type". I tend to date the same "look" brown hair...dark shape...etc etc. He is kid of short. And carries a couple of extra pounds.
2ndly: That being said-- he is probably one of the nicest guys I had ever met. And he is definitely the nicest guy I have ever dated. And he makes me laugh. A LOT!

So, I live in Oklahoma(I'm sure you are al rolling your "Yeah, we know--you dumbass) and about a month ago we got a HUGE amount of snow and ice. HUGGGGE snow storm... I think we recieved like 10 or more inches? It was insannne.

Well, a couple of days after the snow storm Trevor and I went out to one of our favorite bars... I ended up getting pretty sloshy drunk. So, he is driving us home and my drunk self decides to try and pick a fight with him. At that point we weren't officially together-- so to prove a (very drunken) point I wouldn't kiss him or show any affection because "We weren't together-- we're just FRIENDS!" haha.

We get home. I'm still trying to prove my point. So, I decide to make him sleep on the couch(because FRIENDS don't sleep in the same bed!). Which after trying to talk sense to me and realizing he wasn't going to be able to--he obliges to do. So, he is on the couch and I am in his bed. Alone. And now I'm getting angry because my plan to make him talk to me about "us" isn't working.

So I get up. At 3 am. Put on my shoes grab my keys and try to "leave". He and I knew I was in NO state to drive so as I storm out of the house-- it takes him about 30 seconds to process whats happening and throw a pair of shoes on... he rushes out the door to stop me.. Just in time to see me literally drive 3 feet forward and get stuck in a snow drift at the end of the drive way.

Now I'm embarrassed. And angry because I look dumb. He is grinning at me as I open my car door.. We both realize I'm not going anywhere tonight. He takes my hand and we walk back up to the house. The front door is locked. LOCKED. IN 10 DEGREE WEATHER. Now I'm reaaalllllly embarrassed. He starts sighing-- I can tell he is frustrated--we walk around the house and luckily the window to his bedroom is unlocked! HALLELUJAH! He rips the screen off and lifts the me a boost..and I'm in! Whew.

I walk through the house and unlock the front door.. he comes in the house.. and just looks at me for a minute. He kisses me and says, "Let's go to bed." He never makes fun of me for driving into the snow drift-- or for locking us out-- So we walk to the bed and we do just that.

That's when I knew being labeled as "together" or not being labeled as "together" it just didn't matter anymore... because the truth is-- He is the nicest guy I have ever dated-- and In the most frustrating situation ever, he never got angry at me. (I would have been INFURIATED at me if I were him and would have dropped my ass faster than anything!)

So, that's the story. Keep your dukes up, Kiddos.